Program Studi Kehutanan


Short History of Forestry Department

The idea of establishing Forestry Study Program had been discussed among members of University of Jambi since 1995. The idea then documented in the Strategic Plan of Jambi University 2005 – 2010. However, the intensive discussion and preparation of establishment of Forestry Program had been conducted since 2005 that organized mostly by Lecturers of Agriculture Faculty. Finally, in 2009, the Forestry Study Program of Agriculture Faculty, University of Jambi was established based on Director General of Higher Education decree No. 159/DT/2009.  Furthermore, based on the Rector’s Decree No. 289/H21/DT/2009 the forestry study program is deployed one of the Departments
in the Organizational Structure of the Faculty of Agriculture, Jambi University with the name Forestry Department. In the period from 2014 to 2020, the Department of Forestry was upgraded to a Faculty of Forestry based on the Rector’s Decree No. 92/UN21/OT/2014. In 2020, the Rector of the University of Jambi again issued Decree No. Rector’s Decree 1734/2020 dated June 18, 2020 which restructured the Forestry Faculty into Forestry Department under Agriculture Faculty. The Forestry Department consists of two study programs namely Forestry Study Program and the Professional Engineer Program. The Professional Engineer Program was established based on the Decree of Ministry of Research and Technology and Higher Education No. 650/KPT/I/2017.

The first Department Head of Forestry is Ir. Fazriyas, M.Si who had served in 2009 to 2014. During the period of 2014 to 2020, Dr. Forst. Bambang Irawan, SP. M.Sc.Trop. Forst. served as Dean of Forestry Faculty. The vice Dean for Academic, Cooperation and information system was served by Ir. Fazriyas, M.Si; Vice Dean for Administration, Human Resource and Finance by Dr. Eva Achmad, S.,Hut. M.Si in 2014 to 2019 then replaced by Rike Puspitasari, S.Hut., M.Si in 2019 – 2020. The Vice Dean for Student and Alumni affair was served by Dr. Ir. Hamzah, M.Si. The status of Forestry Faculty was transformed again into Forestry Department under Agriculture Faculty based on the Rector Decree No. SK Rektor 1734/2020. Dr. Forst. Bambang Irawan, SP. M.Sc.Trop. Forst. has been appointed as Department Head since 2020 to the present. Beside the The Department Head, the Department administration also run by Department Secretary. The first Secretary Department was served by Nursanti, S.Hut. M.Si who had served in 2009 to 2014. The second Secretary Department is served by Rike Puspitasari, S.Hut., M.Si since 2020 to the present. 

The first Head of Forestry study program was served by Ir. Fazriyas, MSi. from 2009 to 2014 and continued by Nursanti, S.Hut. M.Si from 2014 to 2018. The next Head of the forestry study program is Riana Anggraini, S, Hut. M.Si. who served from 2018 to the present. While the head of Professional Engineer Program was served by Dr. Forst Bambang Irawan , IPU from 2018 to 2020 then replaced by Ir. Fazriyas, MSi. IPU. 

Visi dan Misi


Visi Program Studi Kehutanan untuk tahun 2018 – 2030 adalah:

“Menjadi Program Studi kehutanan yang inovatif dan berdaya saing global berbasis kewirausahaan”



Dengan berpedoman kepada Misi Pendidikan Nasional, tujuan Pendidikan Tinggi dan Misi Universitas Jambi tersebut, maka sebagai upaya perwujudan visi Program Studi Kehutanan Fakultas Kehutanan tahun 2025, maka misi Program Studi Kehutanan dirumuskan sebagai berikut:

  1. Mengembangkan sistem pendidikan kehutanan dan profesi yang inovatif dan berkualitas tinggi sehingga mampu menghasilkan lulusan yang berwirausaha, profesional, bermoral, dan mandiri mengelola ekosistem dan sumberdaya hutan berkelanjutan.
  2. Mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi serta profesionalisme berbasiskan potensi ekosistem dan sumberdaya hutan yang tersedia secara lokal.

Mengembangkan pengabdian masyarakat yang berkualitas dan profesional dalam upaya membangun berbagai produk dan desain peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat di dalam dan di sekitar kawasan hutan berbasiskan potensi lokal



Berdasarkan visi, misi serta tujuan Pendidikan Tinggi  seperti yang diatur pada pasal 5 Undang-Undang No. 12 tahun 2012 tentang Pendidikan Tinggi dan tujuan Universitas Jambi, maka rumusan tujuan penyelenggaraan pendidikan Program Studi Kehutanan adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. membuka dan memberi kesempatan kepada masyarakat untuk berkembang menjadi masyarakat modern yang berakhlak mulia, beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa serta menguasai ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan/atau seni bidang ilmu kehutanan
  2. mengembangkan sumber daya manusia yang berilmu, kreatif, berdisiplin, bermoral dan beretika, berdedikasi tinggi, dan mampu menyesuaikan diri serta bersaing dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan/atau senibidang kehutanan.
  3. mengembangkan dan menyebarluaskan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan/atau seni bidang kehutanan dan mengupayakan penggunaannya dalam rangka meningkatkan taraf kehidupan masyarakat serta melestarikan dan memperkaya sumberdaya hutan;
  4. mengembangkan suasana demokratis yang mendukung kebebasan akademik, kebebasan mimbar akademik, dan otonomi keilmuan secara bertanggung jawab;
  5. mengembangkan dan memantapkan tata kelola organisasi yang sehat dan baik; dan
  6. mengembangkan sarana dan prasarana untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan/atau seni bidang ilmu kehutanan.

Mengembangkan sumberdaya manusia berjiwa wirausaha yang berwawasan global berbasiskan sumberdaya local.




Sasaran penyelenggaraan pendidikan Program Studi Kehutanan adalah: Lulusan Program Studi Kehutanan diterima bekerja di sektor kehutanan dan/atau berusaha secara mandiri dalam usaha bidang kehutanan dan bidang lain yang terkait. Adapun strategi yang dikembangkan oleh Program Studi Kehutanan untuk mencapai tujuan dan sasaran pendidikan adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan yang berbasis kompetensi dengan memanfaatkan dukungan ekosistem sumberdaya hutan yang lengkap sehingga lulusan tidak hanya dibekali dengan kemampuan ilmu pengetahuan tetapi juga ketrampilan dalam hal teknis kehutanan dalam pengelolaan ekosistem sumberdaya hutan.
  2. Meningkatkan kualitas tenaga pendidik dan tenaga kependidikansecara terus menerus melalui pelatihan dan pendidikan strata dua dan tiga.
  3. Meningkatkan kerjasama dengan stakeholder kehutanan terkait baik instansi pemerintah. Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM) maupun dunia usaha sebagai penggunan lulusan dalam upaya pengembangan kurikulum dan penyelenggaraan pendidikan.
  4. Menyelengarakan kerjasama pendidikan dengan Perguruan Tinggi penyelenggara pendidikan kehutanan di Indonesia dalam hal pengembangan kurikulum dan praktek lapang/magang
  5. Membangun kampus-kampus lapangan yang khas sesuai dengan sebaran dan jenis ekosistem hutan tropis. Kampus lapangan dibangun bekerjasama dengan Perusahaan dan Unit KPH Pemerintah daerah dalam Provinsi Jambi.
  6. Membangun dan meningkatkan jaringan kerjasama penelitian internasional dan publikasi nasional dan internasional dengan melibatkan staf pengajar dan mahasiswa Program Studi kehutanan.
  7. Meningkatkan jiwa kewirausahaan mahasiswa melalui pendidikan kewirausahaan yang berbasis ouput dan pelibatan mahasiswa dalam berbagai kegiatan pelatihan entrepreneurship, kepemimpinan, kerjasama penelitian dan penyediaan bahan unit bisnis usaha kehutanan.

Profil Lulusan

  1. Demonstrating a religious, humanist, patriotic attitude and respect differences and diversity
  2. Demonstrating a long-life learner’s attitude, ethics, discipline, obeying law enforcement, responsibility and has an entrepreneurial and professional spirit in daily life and profession.
  3. Having managerial skills including health and safety for sustainable forest resources management including watershed management, as well as socio-economic management and forestry extension.
  4. Able to think logically, systematically, critically, analytically and innovatively to solve problems based on implementation of science and technology those related to the forestry sector.
  5. Able to work independently or in team works with measurable quality and able to apply various methods and techniques including to identify and solve the problems as well as able to conduct entrepreneurship activities especially in the field of forestry.
  6. Able to communicate, supervise, evaluate and make decisions based on data and information of projects in field of forestry.
Managers of Forestry Business
  1. Demonstrating a religious, humanist, patriotic attitude and respect differences and diversity
  2. Demonstrating a long-life learner’s attitude, ethics, discipline, obeying law enforcement, responsibility and has an entrepreneurial and professional spirit in daily life and profession.
  3. Having managerial skills including health and safety for sustainable forest resources management including watershed management, as well as socio-economic management and forestry extension.
  4. Having knowledge and understanding on safeguarding and various regulations and policies as well as institutions related to the forestry sector
  5. Able to think logically, systematically, critically, analytically and innovatively to solve problems based on implementation of science and technology those related to the forestry sector.
  6. Able to work independently or in team works with measurable quality and able to apply various methods and techniques including to identify and solve the problems as well as able to conduct entrepreneurship activities especially in the field of forestry.
  7. Able to communicate, supervise, evaluate and make decisions based on data and information of projects in field of and forestry extension
  8. Having skills in conservation of forest resource efforts as well as cultural conservation and local wisdom of the local communities as well as health and safety
  9. Having skills in forest cultivation, forest rehabilitation and other silvicultural activities including agroforestry by considering health and safety
  10. Having skills in timber and non-timber forest product technology as well as being able to operate safely various tools and equipment related to the forestry sector.
Young Researchers
  1. Demonstrating a religious, humanist, patriotic attitude and respect differences and diversity
  2. Demonstrating a long-life learner’s attitude, ethics, discipline, obeying law enforcement, responsibility and has an entrepreneurial and professional spirit in daily life and profession.
  3. Having a knowledge of the basics of forestry science including forest resource conservation, forest management, forest product technology, silviculture as well as forest and land rehabilitation.
  4. Having awareness and knowledge on basic science and other branches of science related to forestry and their applications in the forestry sector and aware to the development of science related to the forestry sector
  5. Able to think logically, systematically, critically, analytically and innovatively to solve problems based on implementation of science and technology those related to the forestry sector
  6. Able to work independently or in team works with measurable quality and able to apply various methods and techniques including to identify and solve the problems as well as able to conduct entrepreneurship activities especially in the field of forestry.
  7. Able to communicate, supervise, evaluate and make decisions based on data and information of projects in field of forestry.Having ability to draw conclusions and provide recommendations
  8. Able to explore literature, conduct scientific research, compile scientific and non-scientific reports in the form of a thesis or other reports and be able to convey it in oral and written form to various parties.
  9. Having skills in conservation of forest resource efforts as well as cultural conservation and local wisdom of the local communities as well as health and safety; or
  10. Having skills in forest cultivation, forest rehabilitation and other silvicultural activities including agroforestry by considering health and safety; or
  11. Having skills in timber and non-timber forest product technology as well as being able to operate safely various tools and equipment related to the forestry sector.
Civil Servants
  1. Demonstrating a religious, humanist, patriotic attitude and respect differences and diversity
  2. Demonstrating a long-life learner’s attitude, ethics, discipline, obeying law enforcement, responsibility and has an entrepreneurial and professional spirit in daily life and profession.
  3. Having knowledge and understanding on safeguarding and various regulations and policies as well as institutions related to the forestry sector
  4. Able to communicate, supervise, evaluate and make decisions based on data and information of projects in field of forestry
  5. Able to work independently or in team works with measurable quality and able to apply various methods and techniques including to identify and solve the problems as well as able to conduct entrepreneurship activities especially in the field of forestry
  6. Able to think logically, systematically, critically, analytically and innovatively to solve problems based on implementation of science and technology those related to the forestry sectors
Environment and Social Activities
  1. Demonstrating a religious, humanist, patriotic attitude and respect differences and diversity
  2. Demonstrating a long-life learner’s attitude, ethics, discipline, obeying law enforcement, responsibility and has an entrepreneurial and professional spirit in daily life and profession.
  3. Having knowledge and understanding on safeguarding and various regulations and policies as well as institutions related to the forestry sector
  4. Able to work independently or in team works with measurable quality and able to apply various methods and techniques including to identify and solve the problems
  5. Able to communicate, supervise, evaluate and make decisions based on data and information of projects in field of forestry.
  6. forestry science including forest resource conservation, forest management, forest product technology, silviculture as well as forest and land rehabilitation.
  7. Having awareness and knowledge on basic science and other branches of science related to forestry and their applications in the forestry sector and aware to the development of science related to the forestry sector

Paten dan Hak Cipta

Pengelolaan Paten dan HaKi telah dibuat satu unit kerja khusus dibawah LPPM yaitu pusat HKI Universitas Jambi dengan SK Rektor No.306/UN21/OT2016 Tanggal 2 mei 2016.Sejak terbitnya SK tersebut, maka tim yang terlibat sudah melakukan kegiatan pelatihan pembuatan dokumen KHI serta pendampingan pembuatan dokumen HKI dari hasil penelitian, dan telah dihasilkanya 3 dokumen HKI (2 paten sederhana dan 1 hak cipta) yang sudah dikirim ke Dirjen HKI pada tanggal 10 November 2016 yaitu:

  1. Dr. Drs Naswir, KM MSI dengan judul Clean Chemical Bentonit (CCBN) untuk mengolah air gambut menjadi air bersih.
  2. Dr. Yatno, SPt, Msi dengan judul Metode Produksi Konsetrat Proteindan Senyawa Karbohidrat dai bungkil inti sawit.
  3. Dr. Drs Sukendro, Msi dengan judul Standarisasi kebugaran Jasmani bagi Karyawan.
  4. Dr. Ir. Hj. Mardalena, M.P. dengan judul Proses pembuatan suplemen Antioksidan Berbahan Baku Kulit Nenas dan Produk Yang dihasilkannya.

Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Sumber, Jumlah Dana dan Jumlah Judul Pengabdian Dosen

Sumber Dana Kegiatan Pelayanan/Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat








Pembiayaan sendiri oleh dosen




PT yang bersangkutan








Institusi dalam negeri di luar Depdiknas




Institusi luar negeri




Catatan: (*) Pelayanan/Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat adalah penerapan bidang ilmu untuk menyelesaikan masalah di masyarakat (termasuk masyarakat industri, pemerintah, dsb.)

Jumlah Tenaga Dosen Berdasarkan Tingkat Pendidikan


Jenjang Pendidikan


Persentase (%)


Strata 2 (S2)/Magister




Strata 3 (S3)/Doktor



Desa Binaan

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Prestasi dan Penghargaan Mahasiswa

Tahun 2016

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Tahun 2017

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Tahun 2018

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Tahun 2020

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